Decentralized social media powered by Mastodon
A US-based community for Veracious Network adult/18+ members, but open to anyone to join. Minors/children are discouraged to join as our language and content is often not suitable for young eyes.
If you are located in one of those states with absurd laws around social media and adult content, check with your local politician to ask if you're legally allowed to access this site.
Feel free to join if you are interested in gaming, technology, compsci, coding, FOSS, like Linux and hate Windows, like Windows and hate Linux, enjoy infosec, or are just bored; we're all pretty easy going. We have a Discord if you'd prefer to chit chat in real time.
NSFW/18+ content is welcome and perfectly fine, just please ensure it is tagged as such.
Absolutely no link building/marketing accounts; these will be deleted immediately.
Loli, racism, transphobia, sexism, homophobia, personal attacks, etc are not tolerated here.
Server operated and managed by the admin team at Veracious Network, SSL provided by LetsEncrypt, and CDN for media hosted on Digital Ocean. Instance running on a private Proxmox cluster on SuperMicro hypervisors near Columbus Ohio.